Reprogram your Unconscious Mind to Stop Anxiety | Dawning Truth

Reprogram your Unconscious Mind to Stop Anxiety

Stop Anxiety - Reprogram Unconscious Mind - Quote

Unconscious change techniques...

  • on the premise that...
  • ...we create our anxiety
  • running faulty software
  • our brains. 

These are like the bugs we see in computer software,...

...except they operate in human software.

There is actually an entire field of scientific endeavour I have developed called:

Human Software Engineering™ (HSE).

The idea behind HSE is that we can write software for the human brain.

In this section we will share techniques...

  • can use...
  • change your Human Software
  • ...and to reprogram your mind
  • operate without debilitating anxiety.

1. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a breakthrough therapy...

...invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

It is based on the premise...

  • ...that our brains work like computers
  • ...and that by changing
  • ...the way we program ourselves,
  • ...we are able to change the way
  • ...we react in certain situations.

This video by Richard Bander,...

...will give you a good idea as to the approach:

This video by Steve Andreas...

...uses an NLP technique to help you deal with anxiety.

2. Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is...

  • ...a very powerful technique 
  • ...for dealing with anxiety.

It works so well because it changes...

  • ...the focus of your mind 
  • ...taking it off what is worrying you.

It can also reprogram your mind to think in new ways.

Here are some great guided meditations... can use if you are feeling anxious:

3. Hypnosis

Hypnosis is one of the oldest...

...and most powerful of all change techniques.

It is one of Dawning Truth’s favourite change techniques.

Here are some interesting stats on Hypnosis:

This infographic explains what Hypnosis is and how it works.

Here is a highly effective Hypnosis program...

...for dealing with Anxiety.

4. The 85% Technique

Did you know that 85% of worries never come true?

Yip, that is true.

The Research Study
you can DIY

A research study was conducted in which,

  • ...research subjects were asked to 
  • ...write down what they were worried about
  • ...over an extended time period.

They were then asked to identify which of these worries actually materialised.

Guess what?

85% of those worries never came true.

Turns out... worry is mostly an illusion

But this is even more interesting…

Of the 15% of worries that did come true,

  • ...79% of subjects found that 
  • ...they could handle the difficulty
  • ...better than expected,
  • ...or that the difficulty taught them a lesson
  • ...worth learning.

Try this one yourself.

You'll be AMAZED!

This means that 97% of what you worry about is...

...nothing more than your imagination.

So, you are therefore forced to ask yourself…

Why bother worrying at all?

5. The Small Control Technique

The problem with anxiety is...

  • makes you feel powerless
  • deal with the situation.

This is a cognitive distortion as in practice it is untrue.

One of the easiest ways of dealing with a cognitive distortion... to simply prove it wrong.

It does not matter what goes wrong,..

  • ...what matters is...
  • ...your ability to deal with it.

Guess what?

You are far more capable of...

...dealing with difficult situations than you realise.

The key is getting yourself to realise this.

Yes, it turns out that you're stronger than you think... reality you can handle most situations that you think you can't.

So how do you awaken to this remarkable realisation?

You prove to yourself that you are powerful.

Take control of the small things in your life...

...and then gradually take control of bigger things too.

As you take control of

  • ...more and more of your life, 
  • will realise that
  • are in fact highly capable
  • ...of taking successful action.

So for instance…

If you are worried about losing...

...your job due to downsizing.

Then take control.

Make sure your work performance...

  • above average 
  • they will be afraid of letting you go. 

Also network and

  • ...get your resume out there, 
  • even if you lose your job
  • won’t matter
  • ...because you will have another one lined up.

Gets rid of the sense of powerlessness...

...and your worries will dramatically reduce.

As, you will know you can cope with the downside.

6. The Middle Way Method

What is the Middle Way?

This is a Buddhist idea.

It helps us to reconcile extremes.

The Middle Way of Speeding

Should we allow people to speed?

One Extreme:

Everybody should drive slowly.

Other Extreme:

Everybody should drive like they are on the race track.

Both extremes don’t make sense.

So, we need to find a middle way.

Perhaps we should...

  • ...make people drive slowly
  • ...where speed has been proven to be dangerous
  • ...such as mountain passes and near schools.

But allow people...

  • drive fast on specially designed highways
  • ...such as the Autobahns.

That is the Middle Way

What is the Middle Way?

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy has a nice definition.

So, how does this apply to anxiety.

The two extremes are:

  • Worry about everything
  • Worry about nothing

The Middle Way could be:

The Middle Way of Worry

This is the essence of the Middle Way,... 

...when applied to anxiety.

Worry about Things you Can Practically Deal with…

...the Rest Leave up to Faith.

But only worry, if it is a highly likely event.

As only 3% of worries actually have an impact in your life,

  • ...and you can most likely protect yourself 
  • ...from almost all those worries.

       Why worry,...

Ever noticed that whenever you see a painting or statue of...

  • ...Siddhartha Gautama, 
  • ...the Buddha,
  • ...he is always at peace?

Perhaps that is because he learnt how not to worry…

7. Eliminate Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions can be thought of as

...specific bugs in your brain’s software that you need to address.

Psychology Today has put together a comprehensive list of cognitive distortions which is available here.

It's all good and well to know about cognitive distortions,...

...but how do you actually go about correcting them?

You can use this exercise...

How To Correct Cognitive Distortions

  1. Think about the situation causing you anxiety.
  2. Go to your computer open up a document and type in your thoughts about the situation.
  3. Print out the document.
  4. Now go through the list of cognitive distortions and read through what you wrote about your anxiety.
  5. Look for the cognitive distortions in what you wrote.
  6. Correct the cognitive distortions in what you wrote (with pen and paper).
  7. Rewrite your computer document with the corrections. 

A powerful and transformational exercise.

8. The Paradigm Delocker

At Some Time in the Future 
the Paradigm Delocker 
will be Known as One of the 
Great Wonders of the World.

The Paradigm Delocker...

...enables us to almost instantly delock a negative belief.

So, what do we mean by delocking?

When we have an immovable belief, is known as a locked belief.

A locked belief...

...can also be thought of as a stubborn belief.

Perhaps you feel you are overweight, 
and not matter the evidence to the contrary,
you still feel overweight.

Then you have a locked belief.

Locked beliefs are often formed...

...after a traumatic emotional event.

Sigmund Freud describes it well:

Freud's Great Discovery

For we found, to our great surprise at first, that each individual hysterical symptom immediately and permanently disappeared when we had succeeded in bringing clearly to light the memory of the event by which it was provoked...

...and in arousing its accompanying affect [the emotions being felt], and when the patient had described that event in the greatest possible detail and had put the affect into words.

Recollection without affect almost invariably, produces no result.

The psychical process which originally took place must be repeated as vividly as possible; it must be brought back to its status nascendi [in the state of being born] and then given verbal utterance.

Where what we are dealing with are phenomena involving stimuli (spasms, neuralgias and hallucinations) these re-appear once again with the fullest intensity and then vanish forever.

Failures of function, such as paralyses and anaesthesias, vanish in the same way, though, of course, with-out the temporary intensification being discernible.

Sigmund Freud

      (Extract from Studies On Hysteria, Breuer, Freud, & Strachey, 1891)

      [Comments added by Dave Lucas

Sigmund Freud by Max Halberstadt

The status nascindi,

  • ...or state of being born 
  • when the new limiting belief
  • formed.

Future Product

Dawning Truth has spent 20 years researching Emotional Clearing.

In the future, we will release a product that teaches this process.

"Clear Emotional Traumas Permanently"

[Coming Soon...]

So, if a child is beaten up by their father,...

...then may form the limiting belief,

“I am weak.”

They then carry that limiting belief...

...with them throughout their lives.


  • ...when they are adults 
  • ...and physically much much stronger.

This belief also,...

  • ...forms a network of supporting beliefs
  • ...known as a...
  • ...Belief Network
  • ...or Belief Paradigm.

Hence the name Paradigm Delocker.

  • The Paradigm Delocker,... 
  • ...removes the lock of the initial limiting belief...
  • ...and in so doing
  • ...literally collapses the limiting Belief Network.
Belief Network - Beliefs interacting with each other and supporting each other.

Here is how it works…

How to Use the Paradigm Delocker

Step 1: Identify Limiting Belief

Firstly, we identify the limiting belief.

We can do it by asking the question:

What conclusion did I reach in this situation?



What conclusion did I reach when... father beat me up

...and I could do nothing about it?


I am weak

Let’s call our answer X.

Step 2: Delock Limiting Belief

Then we Delock the belief.

The way we do this is to,...

  • ...first state the belief
  • ...and then state its opposite
  • ...with a reason.

So here is the basic formula:

A possibility could exist that X 

AND a possibility could exist 

that NOT X 

BECAUSE {reasons}, 

couldn’t it?

For example: 

A possibility could exist that I am weak 

AND a possibility could exist that I am strong,

BECAUSE I go to gym every day,

couldn’t it?


The, "couldn’t it?" part is called a tag question,...

  • ...and it forces our brain 
  • do an unconscious search
  • ...of our belief system. 

This unconscious search...

...creates the delock.

So, what happens when we do all this?

Our brain has to process both...

  • ...the existing belief
  • ...and an alternative belief
  • the same time. 

As it cannot hold a contradiction of this magnitude...

  • its programming
  • the same time,
  • is forced to consider
  • ...that the limiting belief
  • ...may NOT be valid.

This delocks the limiting belief,...

  • ...which means that alternative beliefs 
  • ...can also be considered
  • ...and the person is then enabled
  • transform their old belief
  • ...into a new, more helpful, empowering belief.

Delocking a Belief enables other alternative viewpoints to be considered.

The Paradigm Delocker...

...can be used to treat anxiety.

Think about... your anxiety.

Now think about the first time you felt a similar anxiety.

Go back to that old situation.

Write down what happened...

...or type it up in your computer.

Then ask the two questions:

  • What conclusion did I reach in this situation? (Call the answer X)
  • A possibility could exist that X and a possibility could exist that not X because…, couldn’t it?

Tip: It is sometimes helpful to type up these questions specific to your situation, just like in the examples in this section.

Then ask them.

Even read them out loud to increase the impact of the question.

So, you could ask:

Limiting Belief:  I'm not safe in my home.

Delock Question: 

A possibility could exist that I'm not safe in my home AND a possibility could exist that I am safe in my home BECAUSE I have a world-class security system and armed response, couldn't it?

This approach makes it easier for your brain to understand.

Future Product:

“Using the Paradigm Delocker to Clear Out Trauma”

In the future we will release a specific training program...

  • ...which goes into more details on
  • to use the Paradigm Delocker
  • clear out past emotional traumas.

This is useful as these traumas are,...

...often the root cause of anxieties.

[Coming Soon...]

9. Afformations

Afformations are one of the most powerful techniques... existence for reprogramming your mind.

They were invented by Noah St John.

This Huffington Post Article gives you the story in his own words:

You are most likely familiar with affirmations, such as:

I feel confident and powerful

I am stronger than anxiety

I am feeling calm and confident right now

These affirmations are only partially effective,...

  • their meaning can still be filtered out
  • the belief network in your brain.

The types of Belief Networks we discussed...

... in the section on the Paradigm Delocker.

Which means:

Affirmations are NOT Really Effective for Changing Limiting Beliefs.

However, Afformations are different.

They are like a master key to your unconscious mind.

Afformations, can bypass your belief network filtering... 

...and create direct change in your belief systems.

This is really useful,...

  • ...because that is the change you need, 
  • ...when you want to get rid of chronic anxiety.

So how do they work?

Actually, surprisingly simply.

You just turn your affirmation,...

...into a why question.


I feel confident and powerful becomes…

Why am I confident and powerful?

I am stronger than anxiety becomes…

Why am I stronger than anxiety?

I am feeling calm and confident right now becomes…

Why am I am feeling calm and confident right now?

When you ask these questions,...

...then your brain has to find an answer to them.

This causes your unconscious beliefs to change.

Here,... a great video on Afformations:

Let's now explore our next...

...anxiety management technique:

Continue to part 5 --> Change Your Physiology

About the author

Dave Lucas

I am insanely passionate about awakening the greatness in others. That is why I spent 20+ years researching and documenting the success strategies of history's greatest achievers.